Spotlight on History...

Last year we added two history databases to our collections...U.S. History in Context and World History in Context.  Both are available through the GALE/Cengage Learning family of databases.

U.S. History in Context "puts the tools of the historian into the hands of students..."  It strives to
provide comprehensive coverage of the most-studied topics, from the arrival of Vikings in North America to Vietnam, Watergate, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  The database contains the expected journal articles, but also books, photographs, images, government documents, biographies, court cases, and streaming video.  Coverage includes African American Perspectives, American Colonies, the Supreme Court, Economics, Events, Decades, and Cultural Trends, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Political Constructs, Movements, and Organizations, and Wars & Conficts.

World History in Context helps the user "understand 5,000 years of civilization from a 21st-century framework.   It chronicles the rise and fall of cultures and societies across all continents and eras.  U.S. History in Context can also be found in this database, with broad subject coverage including international biography, countries, cultures and civilizations, economics, events, periods, and cultural trends, human rights, political constructs, movements and organizations, religions, as well as wars and conflicts.
Rare primary sources combine with reliable references to but content into context for every researcher.  Formats such as those found in the

Both databases are also aligned to state and national curriculum standards, making it a valuable resource for history and social science teachers at all grade levels.


afu said…
Awesome stuff!!

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