New Test Prep eLibrary

The Library is excited to announce the addition of Mometrix eLibrary for some hard-to-find test prep books.


For students who are preparing for the CPA you now have access to CPA Exam Secrets.  The guide covers the content on the test and also provides "insight into typical test taking mistakes and how to overcome them."

Athletic Training

You now have a way to better prepare for the Board of Certification Candidate Examination through Secrets of the NATA-BOC Exam.  As with the CPA book it covers content and also covers typical mistakes.  Content includes injury/illness prevention and wellness protection, clinical evaluation and diagnosis, immediate and emergency care, treatment and rehabilitation, organizational and professional health and well-being, musculature/innvervation review of the arm and back, myotome and dermatome screening reference, guidelines for professional rescuers, guidelines for standard precautions, and more bonus material.


Those students in the master's program for counseling know there are two tests to prepare for - the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) which you take at the beginning of the program and the National Counselor Examination (NCE) which is necessary for certification.  There are both study guides and practice questions for each of these tests.

Graduate School / Law School / Medical School

Those wishing to attend graduate school, law school, or medical school often need to take one or more of the following tests for admission.  This eLibrary carries test prep for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), and the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).


Nursing students may find the NCLEX Review Book: NCLEX-RN Secrets Study Guide of help as they prepare for this licensure examination.  It contains a complete review of the test, practice tests, and video tutorials on select subjects.

There are other places to obtain test prep materials, such as LearningExpress Library with PrespSTEP as well as Ebook Central and EBSCO eBooks.


Gregor Renk said…
Online sources and materials are really very essential for students while preparing for competitive exams. I am currently studying for my MPRE test, and I found a great online prep course that I eventually registered for. They provided many resourceful MPRE Practice Questions that has been quite useful for my preparation.

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