Comments & Suggestions

You may or may not have noticed, but we have a new area on the Library home page labeled "Comments" - and if you haven't noticed it take a look at the upper left hand corner under the library banner and you'll see the graphic shown to the left.

We have put this here to enable you to send us feedback - whether you have a complaint or a congratulations on a job well done - this is the place to do that.  While we would rather have a kudos than a complaint we realize that they are extremely valuable to us in finding out what is working and not working for you the user.  So if you have a complaint or a concern or simply a suggestion on improving the library we want your feedback.

These are completely anonymous - we don't ask for your email or your name - we just ask for your input at any time, now or in the future. Rest assured these comments will be going directly to Cynthia Peterson, the Director of Library Services and will be taken with the utmost seriousness.  These are also not taking the place of the library surveys we give and we hope you'll participate in the one we'll have in the spring semester as that asks more pointed questions on your satisfaction with specific areas of the library.


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