New "Reference Centers" Added to TexShare Core Databases For 2013-2014
This summer, TexShare added several new resources to their group of core databases. One of the most fun is called "Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center." You can read books and articles on all sorts of hobbies, such as gardening, collecting, arts & crafts, needlework & sewing - the list is too long to show here. One of my favorite things so far is a book called "Playing with Books" which shows you great ways to re-purpose old books - everything from making an interesting purse using the covers from hardback books to mobiles to games to full fledged art pieces - something like 35 unique projects. Needless to say I'm going to have to try several of these - and you might just see some pop up in the library over the next year! The reference center also contains how-to videos which are great if you're new to a hobby or craft.
There are several other reference centers which might be of interest - Small Business assists those who want to start their own business or simply run one more efficiently.
Small Engine Repair - might help you tune up that lawn mower
next spring (among other things).
Another one I suspect will be very popular is the "Home Improvement Reference Center" - think of it as the HGTV or DIY networks wrapped up together and put into a database you can access 24/7.
All of these resources can be accessed on the "Electronic Resources A-Z" list link found on the Jarrett Library home page (
Although these databases are brought to you by EBSCOhost there is a very different flavor to the Reference Center databases, but one that is extremely user-friendly. You still have the familiar searching, but browsing your potential topics is easier within each resource.
So, when you're ready to take a break from pure academics try one of these databases to see if you might find something that can clear your mind and relax you before you go back to tackling that research project that's due by mid-term!