Credo Reference - Featured Title of the Month for January 2010

Encyclopedia of Women's Autobiography from ABC-CLIO

Women have been writing about their lives for hundreds of years, and their autobiographical works are a record of the eras and cultures in which they lived. Through alphabetically arranged entries (from Jane Addams through Zami: A New Spelling of My Name), written by more than 130 expert contributors, this encyclopedia overviews women autobiographers and autobiography from the Middle Ages to the present. Entries discuss individual writers, major works, national and ethnic autobiographical traditions, particular autobiographical genres, and special terms, issues, and themes related to women's autobiography from around the world. Multicultural in scope and the first work of its kind, this encyclopedia overviews more than 400 years of autobiographical writing by women.

Read a few of the interesting entries:
British Women's Autobiography to 1900
Australian Women's Autobiography
Dorothy Allison (1949-): Readers have come to understand much of her life through all of her works. Her most obviously autobiographical work is her first novel, Bastard out of Carolina (1993).
Mary Karr (1954-): Her best-known work is the autobiography of her tumultuous Texan childhood The Liars' Club (1995).
Margaret (Lucas) Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (1623-1673): The first Englishwoman to write an autobiographical excursus for print.
Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen) (1885-1962): Dinesen's memoir, Out of Africa (1937), was the second of her published works to gain critical acclaim.


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