Spotlight on: FAITS (Faulkner Advisory for Information Technology Studies)

FAITS is an electronic resource that offers reports, vendor directories and a glossary related to the study of Information Technology (IT). Although students majoring in Management of Information Systems (MIS) might have the more obvious need for FAITS it's actually a useful tool for a variety of disciplines.

All business students will find the product and company profiles of use in many of their classes. Education students will find interesting reports related to technology and the classroom. Perhaps you are researching technology in area of healthcare - FAITS is one place to get information on this very topic as it relates to healthcare facilities security, patient monitoring, and the pharmacy industry, and more. Other students might be researching privacy versus governmental identification via iris scan, RFID technology and smart ID cards - FAITS can help you!

If you would like some comparison information on products you can also find that information in FAITS, as well a profiles on IT companies.

You may browse the FAITS database by subject are, report type, or quickly search the entire database by keyword. Reports are listed by relevancy to the search and contain summaries to help you determine if they fit your information need.

Report types include tutorials, standards, marketplace information, directories, implementation, selection guides, products, glossaries, company profiles, guide to Internet research, and the information advisor. Additional links to information found outside of FAITS can also be found at the bottom of the main page.

FAITS can help students prepare for exams, oral presentations, and in-class discussions; organize research and prepare content-rich term papers; learn about emerging technologies and their impact on business and society; and get to know the leading players in the IT industry - a big help if you're planning an interview for an internship or a job interview!


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