Remembering Mary K. Armstrong

Mary K. Armstrong ca. 1930 The month of October helps us remember those who have gone before us. The entire month seems packed with celebrations, observances, and opportunities to think about our own history. For instance, National Hispanic Heritage month (Sept 15 – Oct 15) is celebrated nationally, Texas Baptists celebrate Baptist History and Heritage Month, and here on campus, we celebrate ETBU Homecoming. When we begin to look back on the history of the library at College of Marshall and East Texas Baptist College, one cannot escape the contributions of Mrs. Mary Louise Ketcham Armstrong who served as librarian here from 1930-1955. So what are we doing? We’re throwing her a 128 th birthday party, of course! This all started when I read a post from a blog I follow – Library Design Share – that discussed the MD Anderson Library’s post humus birthday party for MD Anderson himself. The library used it as an opportunity to celebrate their founder, share their history, an...