What Do We Do in the Library During the Summer?
As you might imagine, things are pretty quiet in Jarrett Library during the summer. Now that the academic year is over with and May term has ended we have approximately 10 weeks when we lock the front doors and catch up on all the paperwork and activities we didn't get to do from August through May! Occasionally we even get to get ahead and begin preparing for the return of everyone in August. One of the major things we do is try to finish up our usage statistics so we can run the final reports and find out how many of our resources (books and e-books, journals and e-journsl, DVDs and streaming videos, etc.) were used during the previous year. Books that are checked out or renewed are done - the system takes care of that as you check things in and out. However, we have to input statistical information from our vendors so we know how many times an article was accessed from say, Victorian Literature and Culture or Journal for the Study of the New Testament . It usually takes us thro...