New "Reference Centers" Added to TexShare Core Databases For 2013-2014

This summer, TexShare added several new resources to their group of core databases. One of the most fun is called "Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center." You can read books and articles on all sorts of hobbies, such as gardening, collecting, arts & crafts, needlework & sewing - the list is too long to show here. One of my favorite things so far is a book called "Playing with Books" which shows you great ways to re-purpose old books - everything from making an interesting purse using the covers from hardback books to mobiles to games to full fledged art pieces - something like 35 unique projects. Needless to say I'm going to have to try several of these - and you might just see some pop up in the library over the next year! The reference center also contains how-to videos which are great if you're new to a hobby or craft. There are several other reference centers which might be of interest - Small Business assists those who want to ...