NetLibrary E-Book of the Month for June 2009

E-BOOK OF THE MONTH FOR JUNE 2009 - THE CAREER CLINIC: SIMPLE RULES FOR FINDING WORK YOU LOVE Since the Baby Boom generation, we have been raised with a sense that self-fulfillment is one of our inalienable rights—yet most of us probably do not love our work. As the longtime host of a radio show devoted to helping people find careers they love, Maureen Anderson has often invited listeners in to hear firsthand accounts of people who not only relish their work, but live without regret. The Career Clinic: Eight Simple Rules for Finding Work You Love by Maureen Anderson (AMACOM 2008) collects intimate and revealing first-hand accounts of people who have made the leap from the 9-to-5 doldrums into jobs that leave them feeling happy, satisfied, and filled with the sense of contentment that comes from knowing they’re doing what they were put on this earth to do.