Credo Reference Book of the Month for July 2008

Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English Post-Colonial Literatures in English, together with English Literature and American Literature, form one of the three major groupings of literature in English, and, as such, are widely s tudied around the world. Their significance derives from the richness and variety of experience which they reflect. This encyclopedia documents the history and development of this body of work from A (Gemino Henson Abad) to Z (Fay Zwicky) and includes original research relating to the literatures of some 50 countries and territories. It explores the effect of the colonial and post-colonial experience on literatures in English worldwide. This second edition of the encyclopedia includes entries on genres, major subjects and critical biographies of writers; entries on countries or regions whose literatures are examined in the encyclopedia; and 'overview' entries that provide a synoptic view of a number of important subject and genre entries.